Hurricane Valley Fire SSD Privacy Policy Statement


This Privacy Policy Statement (the “Statement”) is provided by Hurricane Valley Fire SSD (“we,” “us,” or “our”) in compliance with Utah Code Section 63D-2-103. 

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Statement explains how we handle your information when you visit our website. We want you to understand how your data may be collected, used, and secured.

Who We Are and How to Reach Us

We operate this website.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us:

Phone: 435-635-9562

Email: info [at]

Our District is governed by our Administrative Control Board, and this is its contact information: 

Address: 202 E State, Hurricane, Utah 84737


Email: info [at] 

Telephone: 435-635-9652

What Information We Collect

Here’s what we collect (and don’t collect) when you visit our website:

  • General Personal Information: We do not collect any personal information on you that is not mentioned in this Notice or you do not voluntarily provide to us. 
  • Contact Information: If you choose to contact us through our website, whatever information you voluntarily provide we will receive, such as your name, email, and telephone number.  We do not keep a database of such information, nor do we sell that information to anyone. 
  • Automatically Collected Information: Our website collects the following information automatically:
    • The Internet domain and Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using to access our site;
    • The type of browser and operating system used to visit our site (but never your browsing history); and
    • The dates and times you access our site.

How We Use Your Information

We use your information for the following purposes:

  1. IP addresses, browser information, and operating systems may be used for statistical analysis of the use of our site. We do not attempt to gain personally identifiable information about individual users and associate it with IP addresses.  We do not maintain or collect user IP addresses or disclose such addresses to any third parties.
  2. If you voluntarily provided your email address, telephone number, and/or name, we would use that information to respond to your requests.  We do not keep a database of that information, nor do we provide or sell that information to anyone.

Disclosure Practices

We care about your privacy. We only share your information when required by law. If so required, here’s how we handle disclosures:

  1. A request must be made pursuant to the “Government Records Access and Management Act” (GRAMA).  A request pursuant to GRAMA helps protect the privacy of individuals and prevents unintended disclosures.
  2. But even if we receive a GRAMA request, we will ensure that disclosure does not violate any local ordinance, state law, federal law, or federal regulation.

Access and Corrections

You have the right to correct and access your information. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. For corrections send an email to info [at] () with specific information and details of what information needs to be corrected. 
  2. If you wish to access information, you will need to submit a GRAMA request.  As noted above, GRAMA requests are required by Utah law to protect against unintended and/or unpermitted disclosures.

Keeping Your Information Secure

Your data’s safety is our priority. We have taken adequate measures to protect it. Here’s how we ensure your data stays safe:

  1. We have contracted with Civic Plus (to host our website) and Xpress Bill Pay (to process payments for us).  These companies take extensive measures to protect our website from unwanted and illegal intrusions. Both companies are obligated by state and federal law to keep all information strictly confidential.
  2. Our website is scanned by Civic Plus on a regular basis for security holes, malware, and known vulnerabilities to make your visit to our site as safe as possible.  
  3. When you make payments through our website, you are actually going to Xpress Bill Pay’s website.  It too regularly scans its site for security holes, malware, and known vulnerabilities. 
  4. We never put on our website any personal or identifying information.
  5. Xpress Bill Pay is required by law to keep all payment information confidential.  We do not obtain any payment information from Xpress Bill Pay.  We never sell your information to third parties.
  6. Xpress Bill Pay is used by many governments in our area to process public utility and other payments.

Legal Information

Personally identifiable information is not classification of records under Utah Code Section 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.

Access to government records is governed by Utah Code Section 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act

Review of This Notice

We want you to feel comfortable using our services, knowing that your privacy is respected and protected. We welcome your feedback on this notice, which is reviewed annually. 

Last revision 

February 2024