Click here for the burn permit application.
- You must apply for the permit by clicking on the link above or below.
- Hurricane Valley Fire District does NOT issue, enforce, or monitor burn permits.
- You must obtain a permit before any burning.
- You may never burn household garbage.
- Calling Hurricane Valley Fire District, or leaving a voicemail, does not authorize you to conduct a burn.
- For any concerns about a fire or burn, please call dispatch at 911 (for emergencies) or 435-627-4949 (for non-emergencies).
Permit Criteria:
Prior to completing the open burn permit application, please consider the following:
- Location and proximity of the proposed burning to any building, other structures, neighbors, or other public areas (parks, schools, businesses, hospital, etc.) that might be impacted by the smoke and emissions from the burn.
- Whether there is any practical alternative method for the disposal of the material to be burned.
- Methods to minimize emissions and smoke impacts such as using clean auxiliary fuel, drying the material prior to ignition, and/or separation for alternative disposal of materials that produce higher levels of emissions and smoke during the combustion process.
- For burns of piled material, all piles shall be reasonably dry and free of dirt and measure no bigger than 3 ft. tall and 3 ft. wide.
- Open burns shall be supervised by a responsible person who shall notify the local fire department and have available on-site the means to suppress the burn.
- No fire shall be left unattended at any time and must be COMPLETELY out by 5:00 pm. No burning of tree stumps that will continue to smolder after the 5:00 pm cut-off time.
- Materials to be burned are thoroughly dry and no trash, rubbish, tires, or oil are included in the material to be burned, used to start fires, or used to keep fires burning.
For additional information on Utah's Regulations for Residential Open Burning, please click here; for burning instructions from the Utah Division of Forestry, click here.